Brindhavanna Vidhialaya
CBSE School Karamadai
Brindhavanna Vidhialaya, a non- residential school, is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. It was established in the year 2005 in a view to impart quality education to Global standards. Being non residential, the school has the best transport facilities, which is also being operated to all the villages with in the distance of 15 to 18 km enabling the students from the country side to procure CBSE curriculum, thereby fulfilling their dreams.

The School Motto
The motto of our school, Fearless and Selfless voyage, ensures that the education imparted to each pupil, instills sound moral and spiritual values which is must for the development of the personality.
The main purpose and object of the school is to make the child a good citizen, diligent and industrious, honest and trust worthy, just and fair in dealing with all.
With well qualified and amicable team of teachers, students are given personal attention and made to grow up in congenial surroundings and training them to attain their goal.
Infrastructure And Instructional Facilities
The school’s infrastructure meets all the minimum requirements of the CBSE. Its special features are:
Spacious and well ventilated classrooms
State -of -the – art library, housed with more than 1500 books, magazines etc
Well equipped laboratory with adequate apparatus
Computer lab with 24 hrs internet connection
Maths lab designed to the need of the hour
Smart class for all classes
Martial Arts
Meditation and Yoga
Contact Information
The school is situated in a serene and tranquil campus about 20Kms from Coimbatore and 4 Kms from Mettupalayam. The campus is about half kilometer from Coimbatore -Mettupalayam highways, free from the din of the city. Its salubrious environment is an added advantage to the students and teachers to focus on all round development.
Cell Phone :+91 9655492226 | EmailID: [email protected]