• There is no provision for re-test or re-examination.
  • Absence in tests or examinations will be marked as zero performance which will have the eventual adverse reflection in the Cumulative Assessment of the students.
  • Only in the case of medical or unforeseen domestic developments can be appealed to the principal for leave of absence.
  • If a student’s diligence and progress in studies are continuously unsatisfactory or whose behaviour is not commendable or whose parents or guardians do not co-operate with the Vidhialaya, he/she is liable to be relieved from the Vidhialaya.
  • It will be the responsibility of every parent, to pay the fee meant for the term, Excuses, in this regard, that they did not receive circular or challan from the Vidhialaya will not be accepted under any circumstances.
  • There is no provision for refund of stationery fees once paid even for those who may seek transfer certificate.